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From Amaury Grimbert (amaury.grimbert at...) <>
Sent Fri, 12 Jan 2024 15:08:42 UTC
Subject [Announcement] Dot Frogans gTLD Registry Agreement renewed with ICANN
Date Fri, 12 Jan 2024 15:08:43 UTC

Season's Greetings!

Ten years after the introduction of the .frogans gTLD into the Root Zone of the
Domain Name System (DNS) by IANA, on April 19, 2014, the OP3FT renewed the
.frogans gTLD Registry Agreement with ICANN on December 19, 2023.

As a reminder, the objective of the .frogans gTLD is to ensure the security,
stability, and reliability required for Frogans as a medium running on top of
the Internet, for the benefit of all Internet users.

The OP3FT is pleased to have chosen Afilias in 2018, which later became
Identity Digital, as the DNS back-end registry operator of the .frogans gTLD,
and to leverage their technical expertise and global operational experience on
the Internet.

For more information on the .frogans gTLD, including access to the agreement,
please visit:

Best Wishes 2024!

Amaury Grimbert

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  • [Announcement] Dot Frogans gTLD Registry Agreement renewed with ICANN, Amaury Grimbert, [12-Jan-2024 15:08 UTC] <=

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