A new Frogans Core Registry Delegation Agreement was signed on May 15,
2020 by the OP3FT and the company F2R2 (Frogans Friends Relay Registry)
as the new operator of the Frogans Core Registry (FCR). This new
delegation agreement follows the OP3FT Board of Directors decision of
December 11, 2019 to terminate the previous delegation agreement.
F2R2 is a privately-held company based in Paris, France. The operating
conditions that F2R2 is required to comply with are identical to the
operating conditions of the previous delegation agreement, including, in
particular, the duration of the agreement, the amount of the royalties
due and their payment to the OP3FT, as well as the fees for the
addressing services provided by the FCR Operator.
You can find more information in the new delegation agreement itself.
The official version in French as well as its translation in English are
available on the official Web site of the Frogans technology at the
following permanent URL:
In compliance with Article 7 of the new delegation agreement, the end
date of the transition period has been jointly set by the OP3FT and F2R2
to June 30, 2020.
The OP3FT Board of Directors believes that this important shift will
provide the reliability and stability required for the upcoming spread
of Frogans as a new medium, for the benefit of all Internet users.
Best regards,
Amaury Grimbert
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