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From Amaury Grimbert (amaury.grimbert at...) <>
Sent Mon, 20 May 2024 10:28:29 UTC
Subject [Announcement] The OP3FT to present Frogans at VivaTech 2024
Date Mon, 20 May 2024 10:28:30 UTC


The OP3FT, together with F2R2, the company that operates the Frogans Core
Registry, will present Frogans at VivaTech 2024 in Paris, France from May 22 to
May 25, 2024.

If you plan to attend VivaTech 2024, Europe's biggest tech event, feel free to
stop by the Frogans booth, Hall 1, C54.

You will notably be able to test the use of Frogans sites in AR (augmented
reality) on Meta Quest 3 and the new Apple Vision Pro.

For more information on VivaTech 2024, see:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,

Amaury Grimbert

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  • [Announcement] The OP3FT to present Frogans at VivaTech 2024, Amaury Grimbert, [20-May-2024 10:28 UTC] <=

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