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From Amaury Grimbert (amaury.grimbert at...) <>
Sent Fri, 15 Sep 2023 14:20:32 UTC
Subject [Announcement] OP3FT China renewed membership in the Internet Society of China
Date Fri, 15 Sep 2023 14:20:32 UTC


In July 2023, OP3FT China, the local branch of the OP3FT in China, renewed its
membership in the Internet Society of China (中国互联网协会). OP3FT China has been a
member of this leading professional association for the Chinese Internet
industry since July 2020.

This membership results from long-term relations and regular meetings between
the OP3FT, OP3FT China and the Internet Society of China dating back to 2013.

Best regards,

Amaury Grimbert

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  • [Announcement] OP3FT China renewed membership in the Internet Society of China, Amaury Grimbert, [15-Sep-2023 14:20 UTC] <=

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