The Frogans Core Registry (FCR) Delegation Agreement has been updated.
The FCR Delegation Agreement, signed between the OP3FT and the FCR
Operator, formalizes the obligations of the FCR Operator, including the
payment to the OP3FT, as revenue of its endowment, of royalties relating
to the license to operate the FCR.
The modifications cover the following points:
- clarification of the definition of the opening date of the FCR to
Internet users;
- expiration of the Agreement, which will take place 10 years after the
date of the opening of the FCR to Internet users;
- clarification of the presentation of the fee applicable in the event
of the closing of an FCR account;
- minor details and minor changes to wording.
This update was proposed by the OP3FT and accepted by the FCR Operator,
with an entry into force on December 19, 2018.
The official version in French as well as its translation in English are
now available on the official Web site of the Frogans technology at the
following permanent URL:
Best regards,
Amaury Grimbert
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