The global directory of Frogans address watch providers has been updated
for the 140th annual meeting of the International Trademark Association
There are 24 new watch providers included in the directory. They are
based in Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Estonia,
Guatemala, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Palestine, South Africa, the United
Kingdom, Uruguay and Zimbabwe.
There is now a total of 58 Frogans address watch providers in 35
countries around the world, so if you are a business or a trademark
holder seeking watch providers to protect your interests, feel free to
consult this directory.
This directory is available on the Web site of the FCR Operator:
Inclusion in this global directory is free of charge and upon request to
the OP3FT (send an email to contact-legal@op3ft.org).
Best regards,
Amaury Grimbert
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