After attending the 16th Chinese Internet Conference in Beijing and
holding a first series of meetings with stakeholders of the Chinese
Internet ecosystem, Jérôme Delacroix, Head of Local Branch Development
at the OP3FT, will remain in Beijing until August 30, 2017 in order to
lay the groundwork for the creation of OP3FT中国, the local branch of the
OP3FT in China.
Alexis Tamas, co-inventor of the Frogans technology, will join Jérôme
from August 24th to August 29th to take part in a second round of meetings.
If you want to meet the OP3FT in Beijing to discuss how you can
participate in the development and spread of the Frogans technology in
China, or if you want to get involved in the creation of OP3FT中国, don't
hesitate to contact Jérôme: jerome.delacroix@op3ft.org
Best regards,
Amaury Grimbert
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