The OP3FT has been invited to participate in the FIC (International
Cybersecurity Forum) in Lille, France (January 25-26, 2016):
The FIC is an annual event for over 4,350 visitors interested in
cybersecurity. The FIC aims to promote a pan-European vision of
cybersecurity and to strengthen the fight against cybercrime.
During this event, Julie Laurent-Ledoux, Legal Manager of the OP3FT, and
Alexis Tamas, co-creator of the Frogans technology, will present the
Frogans technology during a master class (MC10) on January 26, 2016 at
1.30 pm covering the following subject: "The Frogans technology makes
the publication of data on the Internet secure".
An article about this presentation has been published by FIC:
If you're attending the FIC and have any questions about the Frogans
project, or if you would like to set up a meeting during the FIC, don't
hesitate to contact Julie: julie.laurent@op3ft.org
Best regards,
Amaury Grimbert
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