The OP3FT has been invited by the UPU (Universal Postal Union) to speak
at the "World Postal Business Forum" during POST-EXPO 2015
(http://www.postexpo.com/), the annual global convention held in Paris
this year.
Postal executives from all over the world will be gathering to discuss
business opportunities and the creation of economic value using new and
upcoming technologies such as the Frogans technology.
Philippe Collin, Head of Innovation Fostering, will speak as a panelist
during the "Internet landscape and posts - changing perception,
influencing evolution" session that is taking place today, October 1.
If you would like to arrange a meeting during POST-EXPO 2015, don't
hesitate to contact Philippe: philippe.collin@ext.op3ft.org
Best regards,
Amaury Grimbert
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