The OP3FT will be well-represented, once again, at the upcoming ICANN 52
meeting in Singapore (8-12 February 2015).
The novelty this time round is that the team will be showcasing several brand
new, functional demos of Frogans sites!
- Stephane Van Gelder will be present in his capacity as Frogans project
Ambassador. As such he will engage with the ICANN community and represent the
interests of the OP3FT in the Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG);
- Philippe Collin, head of Innovation Fostering, and Tom Mackenzie, head of
Stakeholder Relations, will be holding a series of meetings with potential
Frogans Core Registry (FCR) Account Administrators. These meetings will
highlight the opportunities for innovation and development that will be created
by the roll-out of the Frogans project, and will guide attendees through the
process of opening an account with the FCR Operator.
Note that Philippe will also be giving a presentation of the Frogans Address
Composition Rules (FACR) technical specification during the IDN Root Zone LGR
Workshop on Wednesday 11, between 1 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. (Moor Room).
If you would like to arrange a meeting during ICANN 52, don't hesitate to
contact Stephane, Philippe or Tom who will be happy to answer any questions you
might have regarding the Frogans project:
Best regards,
Amaury Grimbert
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