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From Amaury GRIMBERT <>
Sent Wed, 07 May 2014 10:01:34 UTC
Subject [Frogans technology - Announcement] The OP3FT to attend INTA 136 in Hong Kong
Date Wed, 07 May 2014 10:01:34 UTC


Romuald Huon, Head of Ecosystem Development at the OP3FT will be attending the 136th annual meeting of the International Trademark Association in Hong Kong from May 10-14, 2014. He will be accompanied by David-Irving Tayer and Benjamin Martin-Tardivat from Witetic, an IP Law firm which advises the OP3FT on IP-related issues in connection with the Frogans project.

During INTA 136 they will be meeting with numerous Trademark holders and their legal counsels, and answering any questions regarding the roll-out of the project. In particular it will be an opportunity to explain the priority registration period aimed at Trademark holders. If you are participating in this event, don't hesitate to get in touch with Romuald (

Romuald, David and Benjamin will also be holding an informal information session regarding the project at the Lobster bar, Island Shangri-La Hotel, Hong Kong, on Sunday 11 May from 7 to 8 p.m. Do come along!

Besides, they will also be attending the Asia Pac Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Congress on 14 and 15 May, 2014. This will be a further opportunity to arrange a meeting to find out more about the project.

Best regards,

Amaury Grimbert
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  • [Frogans technology - Announcement] The OP3FT to attend INTA 136 in Hong Kong, Amaury GRIMBERT, [07-May-2014 10:01 UTC] <=

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